The bubbling ground is like the bubbling in the artist's mind, who tries to pop out ideas from her head. GURGLE represents the myself hungry for photography that tries to show the world hers idea of Photographic Art: imagine and discover through pictures. The starting image is linked with the final image, in an ideal circle, defining the and the narrative key in the series. Creating a circular narrative I managed to build a visual circuit that opens and closes, again and again, holding back the eye into this infinite loop. Px3 - Prix de la Photographie de Paris, 2022, Honorable Mention category Fine Art-Abstract BIFA - Budapest International Foto Awards, 2021, Bronze Winner category Portfolio-Fine Art TIFA - Tokyo International Foto Awards, 2020, Honorable Mention category Fine Art-Abstract

About me
“Not all those who wander are lost” (J. R. R. Tolkien) I believe that photography is the perfect medium to express my love for nature and art. My work primarily focuses on nature photography and abstract art, with the aim of creating new perspectives and thought-provoking insights about nature. The simplicity of the concept blends with the exploration of printing materials and presentation methods, straddling the line between installation and photographic sculpture. I hope that my works can inspire through the atmospheres, colors, geometries, lights, and shadows that I discover by observing nature.